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Crazy Food Storage Tips

You know that song you found out you sung wrong for years? Well, food storage sometimes works the same way. So instead of wasting food that spoils too quickly, toss out some of those antiquated grocery storage methods and use some of these crazy food storage tips…

Let’s first address leafy herbs because some of these should be stored like flowers. Yep, herbs such as basil, parsley and cilantro prefer to be placed in a glass of water and covered with a plastic bag.

Lemons and limes like water too and they will last quite a while if you submerge them in a lidded jar filled with water.

Place asparagus upright in a glass or vase with water covering its base to keep it fresher longer.

Storing fresh ginger in the freezer will extend its lifespan the longest.

You can slow down the ripening process of bananas by separating them once they ripen.

Rinse berries in a one part vinegar, ten parts water bath to kill the bacteria that promotes mold growth.

Did you know that your nuts should be stored in the fridge to keep them fresher longer, as their oils can become rancid if exposed to too much heat.

Storing cheese tightly wrapped in wax or parchment paper is better than plastic and to prolong its life even further, you can scrape the back of a knife over the edge that you cut every few days.

I used mesh laundry bags that hang in my pantry for a cool, dark breathable place to store potatoes, garlic and onions.

You can keep salad greens fresher longer by covering them with a paper towel and changing that paper towel as it moistens.

Mushrooms hate moisture too, so remove them from their container and store them at room temperature within a paper bag instead.

Here’s another one I bet you didn’t know. Celery, when unwashed, trimmed, wrapped in foil and tossed in the crisper drawer can last a really, really long time!

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